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Your Premium Roof Contractor

Shingle Roof Colors

Discover the perfect shingle color to enhance the beauty and curb appeal of your home with Huntsville Roofing Solutions. Our shingle color page provides an array of color swatches representing the various color families we offer. 
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Diverse Color Selection

Discover a wide range of shingle colors to match your home's style
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Manufacturer Quality

Trust in our high-quality shingles from reputable manufacturers
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Shingle Roof Colors

Choosing the right color for your roof is an important decision that can greatly impact the overall aesthetics of your property. Explore our roof colors resource to discover a wide range of color options and find the perfect match for your home or building.

Owens Corning Berkshire®

Asphalt Shingle roof
Canterbury Black Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Colonial Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Concord Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Manchester Grey Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Sherwood Beige Swatch

Owens Corning Duration® 

Asphalt Shingle roof
COOL Sunrise Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Premium Brownwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Premium Driftwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Premium Estate Gray Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Premium Onyx Black Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Premium Teak Swatch

Owens Corning TruDefinition® Duration®

Antique Silver Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Aged Copper Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Black Sable Swatch
Brownwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Bourbon Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Chateau Green Swatch
Colonial Slate Swatch
Desert Rose Swatch
Desert Tan Swatch
Driftwood Swatch
Estate Gray Swatch
Harbor Blue Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Merlot Swatch
Midnight Plum Swatch
Onyx Black Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Pacific Wave Swatch
Peppercorn Swatch
Quarry Gray Swatch
Sand Castle Swatch
Sand Dune Swatch
Sedona Canyon Swatch
Sierra Gray Swatch
Slatestone Gray Swatch
Shasta White Swatch
Storm Cloud Swatch
Summer Harvest Swatch
Teak Swatch
Terra Cotta Swatch
Williamsburg Gray Swatch

Owens Corning TruDefinition® Duration MAX®

Asphalt Shingle roof
Carbon Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Granite Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Mahogony Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Mesquite Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Smokey Mountain Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Sycamore Swatch

Owens Corning TruDefinition® Duration STORM®

Asphalt Shingle roof
Antique Silver Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Brownwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Desert Tan Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Driftwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Estate Gray Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Onyx Black Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Teak Swatch

Owens Corning TruDefinition® Duration® COOL

Asphalt Shingle roof
Forest Brown Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Mojave Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Mountainside Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Night Sky Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Summerwood Swatch

Owens Corning TruDefinition® Oakridge®

Asphalt Shingle roof
Brownwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Chateau Green Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Desert Tan Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Driftwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Estate Gray Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Onyx Black Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Shasta White Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Teak Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Twilight Black Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Williamsburg Grey Swatch

Owens Corning TruDefinition® WeatherGuard®

Asphalt Shingle roof
Antique Silver Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Brownwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Desert Tan Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Driftwood Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Estate Gray Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Onyx Black Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Teak Swatch

Owens Corning Woodmoor®

Asphalt Shingle roof
Chestnut Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Granite Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Sycamore Swatch
Asphalt Shingle roof
Timber Swatch
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Huntsville Roofing Solutions

7535 Wall Triana Hwy Suite I, Madison, AL 35757
Huntsville Roofing Solutions specializes in providing 
roofing services to residential and commercial properties 
in the Huntsville area. Our services include Roof Installation, 
Roof Repair, Roof Maintenance, and Roof Replacement.
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© Copyright 2025 Huntsville Roofing Solutions. All Rights Reserved.
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